phpCAS latest release v2.1.2-1
last update 31-August-2007 11:53AM

CAS GH history

Changes in version 2.1.2


  • disabled the strong URL check in goService.jsp to allow service URLs that contains the character '|' (Pascal Aubry).

Changes in version 2.1.1

Bug fixes

  • removed Tomcat unused pages from the quick-start deployments (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Pierre Gandenat).

Changes in version 2.1.0

Bug fixes

  • added authentication for ldap-search-rep (Salim Jendoubi).
  • fixed target uninstall (Salim Jendoubi).
  • fixed parameter service in JSP pages (Howard Gilbert).
  • updated to Tomcat 5.5 (Pascal Aubry).

Changes in version 2.0.7

New Feature

  • added Active Directory support (Patrick Schnellmann).

Bug fix

  • ldap-search-rep template was broken (Frédéric Jacquot and Jean-Charles Godien).

Changes in version 2.0.6


  • now log the client's IP address when the authentication is successfull (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu for the French Identity Federation).

Changes in version 2.0.5


  • BindLdapHandler can now be configured to refuse authentication when LDAP searches result in more than one LDAP entry (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu).
  • Some JSP pages were rewritten to improve HTML code (Arunas Stockus, Pascal Aubry).
  • Upgraded Tomcat to 5.0.28 to fix (release 2.0.5-2, Pascal Aubry, requested by Jehan Procaccia).

Changes in version 2.0.4

Bug fix

  • Installations with spaces in the path of the servlet container are now allowed (Jean-Louis Renaud, pointed out by Gilles Etchepareborde).
  • footer.jsp was not taken into account by rendering templates (Arunas Stockus).


  • Minor change in esup-cas-server/build.xml to overwrite genricHandler.xml when upgrading (Arunas Stockus).

Changes in version 2.0.3

New feature

  • 'md5' now corresponds to a real MD5 encryption (Robert Legros).


  • Encryption formerly called 'md5' is renamed 'pammd5' (Robert Legros).
  • Default encryption for NisHandler is now 'pammd5' (Pascal Aubry).

Changes in version 2.0.2

New feature

  • Greek translation is now available (Haniotakis Vangelis).


  • Some non ASCII characters were replaced by their HTML equivalents in the french translation (Robert Legros).

Changes in version 2.0.1

Bug fixes

  • Malicious clients could execute arbitrary SQL code; passwords containing quotes are now rejected (Pascal Aubry).
  • Release number was not set correctly (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Arunas Stockus).

Changes in version 2.0.0

Bug fix

  • LDAP connections were not closed (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Vincent Mathieu).

New features

  • Any handler can be added without modifying the code (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu, Julien Marchal and Todd Runstein). As a consequence, no DTD is used anymore.
  • Several-in-one LDAP URLs can be used with the LDAP handlers (Pascal Aubry).
  • The QueryDatabaseHandler allows complex queries to extract users' passwords from databases (Arunas Stockus).
  • Added new authentication templates: ldap-search, ldap-search-rep, file, database-bind, database-search and database-query (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu).


  • Now includes jakarta-tomcat 5.0.25 (Pascal Aubry).
  • Added few controls on externals classes, such as NIS JNDI provider, JDBC drivers, ... (Pascal Aubry).
  • Pages have been added to the documentation: debugging, writing a new handler and some explanations on the patch (Pascal Aubry).
  • Login pages have been improved with some javascript to set focus onto the username text input and to avoid browser autocompletion of the username and password inputs (Julien Marchal, requested by Raymond Bourges).

Versions 1.x

Changes in version 1.0.5


  • now includes cas-server 2.0.12 and jakarta-tomcat 5.0.24 (Pascal Aubry)
  • turned off default debugging options (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu)
  • Added the release number in the name of the main directory of the zip distribution files (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu).

Changes in version 1.0.4

Bug fix

  • Default LDAP port was not set correctly (Franck Arnulfo)

Changes in version 1.0.3

Bug fix

  • Compile error in org.esup.cas.server.GenericHandler.DatabaseServer (Pascal Aubry)


  • All the properties of esup-cas-server and esup-cas-quick-start packages are now merged in a unique properties/ (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu)
  • esup-cas-server can now be deployed outside of a Jakarta Tomcat hierarchy (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu)
  • corrected some mistakes in the french translation (Vincent Mathieu)
  • added the ldap-rep authentication template, i.e. LDAP authentication on two similar LDAP directories (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu)
  • replaced GenKey task calls by hard-coded keytool system calls, based on ${jakarta-tomcat.keytool.path} (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Paul Scott)
  • added ${jakarta-tomcat.port.shutdown} to allow multiple instances of Tomcat running at the same time on one machine (Pascal Aubry, requested by Alexandre Boisseau)
  • added HTTPS configuration documentation for esup-cas-quick-start (Pascal Aubry)
  • added clean and undeploy targets for esup-cas-server (Julien Marchal)
  • customizations were added for CAS GH logging, i.e. log file location and log level (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu and Julien Marchal)
  • HTML rendering has been improved to make new look still customizable (Julien Marchal)

Other changes

  • package was renamed org.esupportail.cas.server.GenericHandler to fit ESUP-Portail packaging requierements, previously org.esup.cas.server.GenericHandler (Pascal Aubry)
  • cas-server and jakarta-tomcat packages are not present in the the esup-cas-devel package to reduce upload durations of new releases, they must be now added by developers (Pascal Aubry)
  • added HTML documentation in esup-cas-server and esup-cas-quick-start packages (Pascal Aubry)

Changes in version 1.0.2

Bug fix

  • Changed DTD to accept non 389 default value for LDAPS authentication (pointed out by Frédéric Jacquot)


  • Added checkstyle controls (Pascal Aubry)

Changes in version 1.0.1

Bug fixes

  • Removed copyright in /esup-casgeneric/webpages/WEB-INF/LoggerConf.xml (Julien Marchal)
  • fixed properties names in /esup-cas-quick-start/custom/jakarta-tomcat-path/conf/server.xml (Pascal Aubry)
  • fixed target uninstall in /esup-quick-start/build.xml (Pascal Aubry)

Other changes

  • Removed .tar.gz distribution files, only kept zip files (Pascal Aubry)

Changes in version 1.0.0

New features

  • CAS GH is now proposed as three packages: esup-cas-quick-start, esup-cas-server, esup-casgeneric (Pascal Aubry)

Versions 0.x

Changes in version 0.2.3-2

Bug fix

  • Some files were missing in the distribution: build.xml, web.xml and genericHandler.dtd (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Todd Runstein).

Changes in version 0.2.3

Bug fix

  • Passwords with non ASCII characters were not accepted with LDAP authentication (Julien Marchal)


  • log4j output is now customizable with an XML configuration file (Julien Marchal).

Changes in version 0.2.2

Bug fixes

  • WatchfullPasswordHandler features were not used (Pascal Aubry)
  • localhost is now replaced by a real FQDN when using database authentication (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu)

New features

  • Some specific users can be rejected thanks to the RejectHandler class (Pascal Aubry)
  • New test handlers (EmptyPasswordHandler and PasswordEqualsUsernameHandler) have been added (Pascal Aubry)

Changes in version 0.2.1

Bug fixes

  • password comparison was not good for NIS authentication (Julien Marchal)
  • LDAP URLs were ill-formed (Julien Marchal)

Changes in version 0.2.0

New Features

  • Fault tolerance: LDAP, database and NIS authentication are now redundant thanks to a list of servers (Pascal Aubry)
  • Debugging: each part of the authentication process (handlers, servers) can now be debugged independently of the rest (Pascal Aubry)


  • The package has been completly rewritten and all the redundant code has been eliminated (Pascal Aubry)

Version 0.1beta (Jean-Baptiste Daniel)


  • Authentication methods
    • LDAP (bind and fast_bind methods)
    • Database (bind and search methods)
    • NIS
    • File
  • XML configuration
  • Debug mode Logo

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