CAS GH acknowledgements
Thanks to all the people that made phpCAS exist:
Shawn Bayern, Drew
Mazurek and Andrew Petro for
their work on CAS (http://www.yale.edu/tp/auth/)
Jean-Baptiste Daniel for
the very first release of CAS GH
Julien Marchal
for the first LDAP handler, next improvements, and log4j configuration
Mathieu for his precious advices on LDAP and for testing esup-cas-server
Todd Runstein for
the (coming soon) Windows NT Handler
John Dumas for the jcrypt package
Santeri Paavolainen for the md5 package
Paul Scott, Alexandre
Boisseau, Frédéric
Jacquot, Franck
Arnulfo, Arunas
Stockus, Raymond
Bourges, Robert
Legros, Haniotakis
Vangelis, Gilles Etchepareborde,
Renaud, Jehan
Prococcia, Jean-Charles
Godien, Salim Benjoudi, Howard
Gilbert, Pierre
Gardenat for various bug reports,
fixes and other contributions.